Marjorie Fisher Leaves Each DSO Musician $5,000

Marjorie Fisher Leaves Each DSO Musician $5,000
July 15, 2016 leonard slatkin

July 15, 2016

In a unique and deeply meaningful expression of her love for the Detroit Symphony Orchestra and its individual artists, Marjorie S. Fisher included the men and women of the orchestra in her estate plans, bequeathing $5,000 to each full-time musician for a total gift of $390,000.

DSO Chairman Emeritus Phillip Fisher delivered this stunning news to the orchestra before the July 14 rehearsal, saying: “My mother’s support was unbridled, always there when needed, giving from her heart as well as her head. She was passionate about our oneDSO family and the musicians who drive our impact. She gave generously to the DSO organization while she was alive, and through her estate planning, she wanted to express her deep admiration and respect for each individual musician. It was important to Mother that you know how much you each meant to her and how grateful she was to have been associated with your devotion, passion and artistic excellence.”