Two years have past since we launched this site providing immediate access to an array of information pertaining to my concerts, recordings and activities, yet it does not seem complete without your first finding a greeting or note of welcome from me. So, here’s my first try at it.
Let me thank all of you who have visited. This is the place to look when you want to find out where I will be performing. For the most part, it is accurate. The venues, programs and soloists are all here. And when there is some news, we share it with you as soon as possible.
We strive to provide monthly updates and to revise the performance schedule as soon as we are aware of a change.
The subscription seasons of most orchestras are starting to wind down now, and that is true of the National Symphony as well. Only two more sets of concerts remain. But after that, there is our Conducting Institute, a program that helps the potential music director understand the workings of a full-time professional symphonic ensemble. I should also mention that we will be honoring the memory of the orchestra’s former music director, Mstislav Rostropovich, with a free concert on May 19th.
So it is time to look at the summer plans. This year, I expect to remain in the States, concentrating on Nashville, Los Angeles and Aspen. It is also my hope to take a bit more time off than in the past. Recharging the batteries is becoming more important these days.
Many of you have asked about what will happen after I leave the NSO next season. In future postings, I will keep you informed. But I can tell you that I will be taking more time to visit orchestras that I have not worked with in quite a while. I am also planning to start work on a book.
In the meantime, keep checking in here. I hope to write something each month.
Thanks for visiting,
Leonard Slatkin